Christianson Family Photos – Family Photography Ledyard CT

Hi There! Thank you so much for visiting Melissa Hartigan Photography – CT Family Photographer. I’m so glad you’re here to read my recent blog post, browse around the blog and check out my website. I am a professional family photographer with a beautiful studio in Coventry, CT dedicated to newborn photography, maternity photography and baby milestone photography. I photograph my family photography sessions all over the state of Connecticut. Not only do I absolutely love taking photos but I also adore being a part of these special moments in my client’s lives. I hope you enjoy this blog post of this darling family from Ledyard Connecticut. Here is a little peek into their family session.

Christianson Family Photos – Family Photography Ledyard CT

Allison and Dan have come to Melissa Hartigan Photography for all their photography memories since their daughter Norah was a sweet days old newborn baby. This family session is their fourth session with me. I captured Norah’s newborn and one-year milestone sessions, last year we did a family session and this year we did another family photography session again. I love capturing my client’s annual family portraits. Families and children grow and its so important to document these changes year after year.

When first met Norah she was a fresh newborn baby and now she has grown into a darling little girl. Whenever I am photographing their family photography sessions, Norah is always a little shy at the beginning of our sessions, but after a little bit of time in front of the camera her personality really comes out and I always get to see the sweet, funny little girl that she is. Norah loves their family dog, going to preschool, shopping at the farmers market with mom and dad, spending time at Memaw and Papa’s house and going to the aquarium. I always enjoying photographing this beautiful family and capturing their family memories and growth year after year.

dad mom and toddler daughter family pose on rocks in park family photography Ledyard CTdad daughter and mom in family photography posedad holding toddler daughter family posemom and daughter sitting on grasscouples photo at family photography session in Connecticuttoddler daughter sitting on dads shoulders mom standing beside smiling standing family photography posedaughter and dad looking at something on the groundmom walking with toddler daughter in field family photomom kneeling down with toddler daughter picking flowers in field family photography sessionmom dad and toddler daughter walking in field looking back at camera fun photolittle girl looking up at camera family photography sessionlittle girl standing on rock in park family photographer CTLittle girl sitting on wooden step stool family photo session in CT parkdaughter sitting on wooden step stool dad kneeling beside her family photo sessionmom holding toddler daughter in tender momentmom holding daughter daughter playing with moms necklace family connection photomom holding toddler daughter smiling and laughing togetherdaughter hugging moms leg family photography session CTdad mom and toddler daughter sitting on grass with foilage backround CT family photographymom tickling daughter little girl laughing family photography pose

I hope you enjoyed this little peek into the Christianson Family’s photography session with their darling little girl Norah. Get in touch with me for booking information and availability for your family’s photograph memories! I would love to be your family’s photographer! Please email me via the contact tab.

Are we Facebook and Instagram friends yet? Like Melissa Hartigan Photography on Instagram and Facebook for all my recent posts, news about the studio and upcoming session and booking updates!


Melissa Hartigan Photography, Family Photography Ledyard CT ~ Newborn, Maternity, Baby, Children and Family Photographer

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Connecticut newborn, maternity and baby photographer, Melissa Hartigan, is based in Coventry, CT and serves all of New England. To schedule your family or newborn photography session, contact Melissa.


Hi There! Thank you so much for visiting Melissa Hartigan Photography – Connecticut Senior Portrait Photographer. I’m so glad you’re here to read my recent blog post, browse around the blog and check out my website. I am a professional photographer with a beautiful studio in Coventry, CT dedicated to newborn photography, maternity photography and baby milestone photography. I photograph my family and senior portrait photography sessions all over the state of Connecticut....
CJ Simply Swaddled Newborn – Meriden CT Newborn Photography
Gorgeous mama, waiting for baby.  I have a few studio maternity session dates available. Reach out today and schedule your session.

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Coventry, CT

(860) 803-0898